The Committee to Strengthen the Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood, Inc. (CSS/CON) MONTHLY BOARD MEETING (Virtual, via Zoom)
Chris McArdle, President; Donna Williams, Resident; Mike Zaleski, Riverfront Recapture; Emily Wolfe, Sheldon Oak; Kathy Shaw, Treasurer, Mercy Housing; Bernadine Silvers, Vice President/Resident; Cheryl Zeiner, Resident; Jack Hale, Church of the Good Shepherd; Donna Swarr, Colt Park Foundation
Kate Pacelle, Resident; Annette Sanderson, Hartford Housing Authority; Janice Castle, City of Hartford, Office of Community Engagement
Alexander Castro, City of Hartford Dept. of Development Services; Capt. Jose Rivera, Hartford Fire Department; Frank Sentner, Hartford Decides/SoDo Board Member; Raymond Wiley, Senior Manager, Colliers; Clarissa [last name], Colt Gateway; Kenny Gonzalez, Hartford Parking Authority; Kimberly Alexander, City of Hartford, Office of Community Engagement; Ivelisse Acevedo, Catholic Charities; James Collins, Dillon Place Apartments; Kim Gauthier, Hartford Next
The December 2023 meeting was called to order by Chris McArdle at 5:39 pm. Roll call was taken by Kim Gauthier and a quorum was present.
New Business
Chris McArdle announced that Donna Williams is stepping down as Treasurer but will remain as a Director on the Board. Kathy Shaw was proposed as the new Treasurer. Donna Williams made a motion to elect Kathy as Treasurer; seconded by Donna Swarr. No questions or opposition. The vote was unanimous.
Kathy Shaw, Treasurer
CSSCON checking account has a balance of $2,569, savings account has $500, and the NRZ has a short-term, 6-month CD for $7,000 at 4.25%. Kathy is also looking into changing the fiscal year.
Frank Sentner, Mayor’s Transition Team/Hartford Decides/SoDo Board of Directors
Transition Team: Frank listed the committees in the transition team. He is co-chair with Marion Griffin on the Community Engagement committee. The committee’s purpose is to improve civic engagement, make policy recommendations, process recommendations, and out-of-the-box ideas for reaching residents. Challenges to resident participation is lack of trust, unwillingness to serve on committees, and the need for education.
Bernadine Silvers suggested that residents need to be educated about municipal government workings and to understand why they should vote.
CSS/CON continues to expand the conversation for the transformation of South Green (Barnard Park). On a Zoom call Monday afternoon with Frog Hollow NRZ leaders Cary Shea, Marcus Ordonez, and Rhodee Gine, and SoDo’s Frank Sentner, the three NRZs formed a collaboration now dubbed The Friends of South Green (FSG).
Beyond merely opposing the currently planned installation of a dog park, the focus of this project is to produce a viable, game changing plan for South Green.
Taking the city’s 111-page Reimagining Main Street planning document (published in April 2021) as our starting point, FSG is convening residents, engaging public and private sector partners, garnering political support for, and securing funding of, timely implementation of Phase I of the Main Street plan – which covers the section from Wyllys Street to approximately City Hall and Gold Street – emphasizing the transformation of South Green.
Hartford Decide$ – Introduced Hartford Decides Project submissions and called for submissions. Visit ‘Submit an idea for 2024.’
Donna Williams, Issues Around Osten Boulevard
Donna reported an increase in petty crimes, car smashing – groups of kids wandering the streets smashing (typically after 11:00 pm), open prostitution, porch pirates following trucks and steal packages as soon as they are delivered. Stealing garbage cans, possibly people from the shelter, replacement costs residents $35.
Emily Wolfe reported similar problems on the MLK property. The buildings are repeatedly broken into, squatters taking up residence, and the fence needs constant repair. The location is being checked daily and the city has been alerted. It is a larger trend of homeless people trying to find shelter as the weather turns colder. Donna Swarr reported vandalism over the summer in Colt Park as well.
Donna Swarr, Colt Park Foundation
Donna provided an update on the changes that will be made to the Park. They received a $5,000 grant from AARP which will be used for picnic tables, benches, and game tables to create a meeting area. The plans also call for major changes to the park near the existing DPW building. Gates and bollards will be installed to prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering the park and create a safer area for residents. Fencing will be restored in other areas of the park.
Working with Mary Falvey from the Hartford Preservation Alliance to restore the Carriage House and Gardener’s Cottage. Financing will come from the State Historic Preservation Office and federal funds.
The base of the Samuel Colt Statue will be repaired and the bronze restored. Work is expected to begin in Spring 2024.
Capt. Jose Rivera
Statistics for CSSCON during November were given. Fires of note:
- 80 Seymour Street, Hartford Hospital, patient plugged in an aftermarket charger for a phone and it caught fire
- 26 Sherman Street – Water got into the electrical system; 20 people displaced
- 34 Willard Street – Large fire under investigation but possible work on the roof could be the cause; 63 people displaced
The smoke alarm program is still in operation and HPD encourages renters to purchase insurance.
Alexander Castro, Dept of Planning & Zoning
Permits related to two schools: 42 Charter Oak variance for immunity to existing variance approved for development of the school. The next step is application for a special permit which would be discussed the following day.
Kimberly Alexander, Office of Community Engagement
Launched 311 system now integrated with the city’s Acella system. The 311 mobile app is no longer being used. A mobile friendly website at, will be used to report any issues.
Holiday Toy Giveaway, Sat. Dec 16th 11AM – 2PM. Registration begins 10 AM at 10 Prospect Street (UCONN Hartford). Children have to be present to receive toys.
Old Business
Betances Learning Lab Renovation: Questions from the NRZ have been resolved. Chris will send a letter of support on behalf of the NRZ.
Barnard Park: Chris provided an update on partner discussions with Frog Hollow and SoDo to develop alternative uses for Barnard Park in lieu of a dog park. This is an opportunity for the NRZ to take a leadership role in the development of this area.
Clarissa from Colt Gateway announced a press conference related to the donation of brownstones to the National Park Service. December 18 at 10:00 a.m.
Chris McArdle called for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Kathy Shaw, seconded by Donna Swarr. The meeting adjourned at 7:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Kim Gauthier, Hartford Next
Accepted by _________________________________ Date ____________________________