Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood

MINUTES: 13 February 2023

The Committee to Strengthen the Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood, Inc. (CSS/CON) MONTHLY BOARD MEETING (Virtual, via Zoom)


Chris McArdle, CSS/CON President, Chair; Donna Swarr, Colt Park Foundation; Anne Snyder, Resident; Kim Sinclair, Secretary; Cheryl Zeiner, Resident; Jack Hale, Church of the Good Shepherd; Bernadine Silvers, Vice President; Mike Zaleski, Riverfront Recapture; Emily Wolfe, Executive Director, Sheldon Oak; Mary Ramdeen, Resident; Donna Williams, Treasurer, Resident; Kate Pacelle, Resident


Kevin Buckeridge, Resident


Captain Rivera, Hartford Fire Department; Kyle [last name?], District Fire Chief, City of Hartford; James Collins, Dillon Place Apartments; Bill Collins, Dillon Place Apartments; Kathy Shaw, COO, Mercy Housing; Kim Gauthier, Administrative Assistant, Hartford Next

The 13 February 2023 meeting was called to order by Chris McArdle. Roll call was taken by Chris McArdle, a quorum was present.

Chris McArdle, CSSCON President

Chris provided an overview of the Brainard Airport Study and emphasized the impact of strategic planning on the safety and quality of life for residents in the CSSCON area. Chris requested that Anne Snyder help with two programs: Follow the Paving and a program by the DPW, Complete Streets? unsure of the formal name.

The second item Chris discussed was the need to build neighborhood engagement. They discussed options and decided to reach out to individuals who vote regularly. The registrar has been notified and there are plans for Cheryl Zeiner to create a list of regular voters.

Kathy Shaw, COO, Mercy Housing

Kathy introduced the community services provided by Mercy Housing and My Sister’s Place. The two programs had similar missions and merged about 5 years ago; a parent organization named Community Housing Advocates was formed. Provide housing assistance and support services in Hartford and Middlesex Counties.

My Sister’s Place has been in existence for 40 years. They provide housing and supportive services to move people from homelessness to permanent housing, food, medical care, financial services, etc.

Mercy helps people move from homelessness to housing. They help individuals with substance abuse issues, HIV or AIDS, and work together to create a journey of hope for residents. There are 7 associated locations in West Hartford and Hartford. Administrative offices are also located in Hartford at 221 Main Street.

St Elizabeth’s House and The Haven provides many programs including a soup kitchen, The Friendship Center, at 118 Main Street. In the last 6 months there has been a great increase in people going to the soup kitchen for food and an unusual number of families. Families may not be homeless but are food insecure. The soup kitchen serves over 3,200 people per week and they are always looking for volunteers. Respite Program is for individuals released from mental health residential care. The short-term program helps people prepare to live on their own.

The “Jumpstart to Jobs Program” helps individuals find jobs including skill assessment, job skills, interviewing, etc. The Diversion Program, Women’s Recovery, Veteran’s Program, and Mercy House residential program for individuals with HIV/AIDS and behavioral issues.

Board Nominations and Positions

The CSSCON NRZ added two new board members.

To carry out the NRZs goal of building engagement, two new board members were nominated to build the organization’s capacity. Kathy Shaw, the COO of Mercy House and Emily Wolfe, of Sheldon Oak were nominated. Chris called for a motion to accept the nominees. A motion was made by Kate Pacelle and seconded by Donna Williams. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Cheryl Zeiner has been nominated to be the second NRZ representative to the Hartford Next board of directors. Motion was made by Kate Pacelle, seconded by Donna Williams. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Bernadine Silvers welcomed the new board members.

Officer Anthony Gaudino, Hartford Police Department

The report was short. There have been thefts of catalytic converters; a bomb threat was directed at Keeney High School. The school followed lockdown protocol and students were able to resume classes in the afternoon.

Officer Gaudino discussed his work with the owner of the stores at 45 Main at Wyllys. The owner has a standing complaint with the city related to the number of individuals ‘hanging out’ in front of the store. Gaudino is trying to move people to warmer places as a way to clear the area. Donna Swarr reported there are still a number of people at the store. She suggested meeting with trustees to develop solutions. From 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm is a problematic time.

Donna Swarr also reported rockets were being shot off in Colt Park. Her safety concerns included that some of the rockets headed toward a nearby school.

Emily Wolfe, Executive Director, Sheldon Oaks

Emily gave an update on the redevelopment of the MLK apartments. The new complex will have 155 townhouses and apartments. Despite fencing in the area, people area, people are still gaining access and causing damage. The developers have hired people to walk through the area twice a day and over the weekend. The project has secured commitments for financing and are working on getting permits from the city. Kathy asked if Officer Gaudino would alert other officers. He said he would and that he would bring it to the attention of superiors.

Bill and Jim Collins, owners of Dillon Apartments

Bill Collins is the owner of the Dillon Place Apartments, near Dillon Stadium. Bill Collins bought the property 24 years ago. At that time, the units were in bad shape and had not been maintained. Various organizations tried to rehab it without success. Collins receives tax credits and funding from CHFA.

He is remodeling and upgrading the building extensively and would like a letter of support from the CSSCON NRZ. In addition to upgrading and modernizing interior finishes, heating and air conditioning, the roof, gutters, and downspouts will be replaced, and new boilers and water heaters installed. They are also updating the camera system and they have license plate readers. The property is known for being safe and well-kept.

Motion to provide a letter of support for the project was made by Bernadine Silvers, seconded by Donna Swarr. There were no questions. The motion passed unanimously

After the vote, Jack thanked Bill Collins for maintaining the collection of trees around the building. They are an asset to the neighborhood and enjoyed by everyone.

Captain Jose Rivera, Hartford Fire Department

Data for the month of January will be delayed due to the installation of a new system.

In January, there were no large fires. However, there was one fire resulting from a plane crash  at Brainard Airport. The plane was a private, four-passenger craft with only the pilot on board. The crash occurred a few minutes after take-off. The pilot was taken to the hospital with injuries and the crash is still under investigation by the FAA.

The Fire Marshal is reminding people not to store any equipment powered by gasoline in basements. Any equipment should be emptied of gasoline, engines should run until all the gas burns out. At that point, they can be stored safely.

Special Services has winter fire safety tips. Captain Rivera shared a document in the chat. The information is also available via social media and the 311 line.

A reminder about the free fire alarm program sponsored by the Red Cross. One, two, and three-family houses with smoke alarms more than 100 years old are eligible to have up to 3 alarms per unit. The fire department will install them.

Donna Swarr, Colt Park Foundation

Donna provided an overview of the Foundation’s first year. Over $26,000 was raised through donations and grants. Park improvements were made: chestnut and crab apple trees were planted and planters were purchased for the entrance. In 2023, their goal is to replace a number of evergreen trees in each grove which are dying.

The Foundation is also planning recreational events such as Sunday activities, trunk or treat, which has grown from about 100 kids to about 500 kids. Other events involve literacy and a juried art show. Hartford Library is a supporter and collaborator. Sports, youth soccer and a monthly “Walk with the Doc” are also being offered. The next “Walk with the Doc” is March 4.

Kimberly Alexander, Office of Community Engagement, City of Hartford

Applications for the “Love Your Block” grant are due on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. It’s very important to submit ideas in the first round or you won’t be eligible for the second round of applications. There is a basketball tournament between the Hartford Police and Fire Departments. Flyers will be distributed.

History of Sheldon Oaks Project

Chris McArdle proposed that the NRZ research and use the history of Sheldon – Charter Oaks to build engagement among its residents; he cited several important historical events in the area. His questions to the board were their thoughts about the research and the funding opportunities. There is a project to develop the history and founding of Hartford which would be part of the Hartford room.

Historical information for Sheldon Oaks could inform content for the website, strategic plans, etc. He suggested that information about the neighborhood could be incorporated into the planned National Park in the same area. He called for thoughts from the board either during the present conversation or to be added to the agenda for the next meeting. He called for focus on the airport and its impact for the neighborhood, traffic issues, and historic preservation.

Chris and Jack Hale discussed plaques that had been discovered at a newspaper. Jack recalled the plaques were from WWI. There was discussion earlier about building a wall and mounting the plaques in the wall. Jack said the idea of the wall was not well received and that currently all signage and historical memorabilia was about the Colt Factory. The National Park service is planning to use the area on Charter Oak and Wyllys Avenue as an entrance for the park.

It was suggested that a better place be found for the plaques since that area does not lend itself to a place people would stop. It is primarily used as a way to get to somewhere else. However, it was also noted that this would be a good time to provide input and ideas about how the space (Charter Oak and Wyllys) is used. Jack, Christ, Lynne [last name?] could be consulted about what happens on the corner.

Bernadine Silvers suggested celebrating Elizabeth Colt; she felt that Elizabeth’s role in the community was not highlighted enough. Jack said the National Park is going to include information about her in their plans.

Another suggestion was for a mural in that area which was seen as an excellent use of funds. Bernadine advised that since the mural would be street level, any artwork would have to be protected against graffiti and vandalism. Kim Sinclair recommended using funds for water, traffic patterns, painting for pedestrians, pedestrian lanes, etc.

Bernadine Silvers made a motion to adjourn, the motion was seconded by Kate Pacelle. There was no objection and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Kim Gauthier, Hartford Next

Approved by


The Committee to Strengthen the Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood, Inc. (CSS/CON) SPECIAL BOARD MEETING (Virtual, via Zoom) CSS/CON DIRECTOS PRESENT: Chris McArdle, CSS/CON President, Chair; Bernadine

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MINUTES: 13 MARCH 2023 The Committee to Strengthen the Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood, Inc. (CSS/CON) MONTHLY BOARD MEETING (Virtual, via Zoom) CSS/CON DIRECTORS PRESENT: Chris McArdle,

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The Committee to Strengthen the Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood, Inc. (CSS/CON) MONTHLY BOARD MEETING (Virtual, via Zoom) CSS/CON DIRECTORS PRESENT:Chris McArdle, CSS/CON President, Chair; Donna Williams,

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